Warming up before class is the best way to have a good class,as you are already lose and relacsted and can focous on the exersise,reather then on stretching and then can focous on technicality. this is my(ideal)warm-up:
1)Leg swings- if you have time,do 4 levels: 25,45,90,and 180 degrees(forward and back/slide to side)
2)Calf stretches-normal for 16,both legs bent for 16;repeat and then on other leg
3)Thie stretch-don't do for to long,as your knee is not in the healthiest position
4)Phsoas-hips tucked for16,lunging for 16,thinker twist for 16. Both legs
5)Hip opener-sitting agenst the wall,one leg out,other crossed over,bend bottom leg up.For 30 sec or more,both sides
6)Side winder-on your back,feet on the ground,like in chrunches. Keeping upper body still,take 2 steps to one side,lift hips up to mach.Do 3 times,or as much as is nessary to get a good,gentle side stretch.it wont be too big,and be carful you dont get to twisted up. To get back,do the same. Do to the other side.
7)Stradle splits- lie on you back,right agents the wall.Open your legs to second and sit there for as long as either you can stand or till class starts.
Alter this to how much time you have. If you have 15 min and no friends,take your time and langthen it out. 10 min and a crowd if fans...do only the stuff you can. I find I never have to worry about my feet,but if you need feet work,don't do Stradle splits or Side winder. This is what I TRY to do.(emphases on TRY)
That is a great warm-up! :) I will soooo try it tomorrow!