Nov 16, 2011

Class is canceled!!!!

Class is canceled!!! Or you are just skipping. But if you have a free evening in which you would other wise be spending in a hot,stuffy classroom,here is what I would and have done:
1) take a nice,long hot shower,and maybe a nice hot soak in the tub after. Take your time drying off
2) throw fashion to the winds and where the cumfiest,warmest pjs you have. This must include long sleeves,socks and slippers. Long everything.
3) make your self a cup of tea
4) curl up in a comfy chair with a warm blanket and a good book

Books good for this occasion:
The Penderiwhicks by j.birdsall. And the penderwhicks on gardam street
All of a kind family
Second fiddle
Cinderella cleaners(a series) for get the first on,comment with it and I'll etit it in
Petal Pushers(a series) starts with too many Blooms
Any other book that's not to intence. Gently and calm and funny.

5) listen to quiet music
6) call a friend(other wise,try to avoid screens)

1 comment:

  1. Cool. We listened to both Penderwick books! Roslyn is so funny! :-)
